Monday, June 6, 2011

212 CBH Year Pins

212 CBH Year Pins
Object: 7 year-pins from Camp Black Hawk

Acquired: Between 1994-2005

From: Camp Black Hawk

Notes: Every year that you went to camp you received one of these pins.  The color was different for each year (well, a few were the same), and it was a way to bring the camp together as a community.  I always had a determined goal of reaching the inner-circles of the ceremony where we got the pins (literally circles), and I was so proud to finally receive a silver pin (for 10-15 years).

I spent a portion of 10 different summers (11, actually, I think) at that camp, and while you can tell that some of my year-pins are missing, these are all the actual ones that I actually received each year.  I have another collection somewhere of a full and properly-colored set. They are slightly less abused than these, and I rather hope they are in the correct color-order because it bothers me that I can't recall which colors went with which pins, since it was such a large and important thing for so many years.

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