226 Salt Cellar |
Acquired: Birthday 2011
From: Mom/Grandma
Notes: Mom found this in Grandma's stuff, which she was going through after grandma died. On one hand I think it's a Cool Thing and I don't mind owning it, but on the other hand, as you can see from the picture, it still has the original tousit papers. Like the flyers for the tourist trap it's from, the ticket my grandmother used to get in and THE RECEIPT. I'm tempted to just go ahead and throw the papers out, but since I got them from my grandmother I feel like they are Heirlooms now, as if these things will ever be worth something some day.
So this is another reason I have too much stuff; being given things that you cannot get rid of, not because the giver would be upset--actually. Hmm. Mom gave them to me, and if I toss the papers in the recycling she wouldn't notice, and it's not like Grandma will care. Any inheritors I eventually have will probably thank me for not leaving them with this crap. Well, I'll think about it.
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